Библейские издания

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Библейские издания

Alter R. The Five Books of Moses. New York: Norton, 2004.

American Bible Society. Good News Bible, 1993 (GNB).

Doubleday. The New Jerusalem Bible, 1990 (NJB).

Fox E. The Five Books of Moses. New York: Schocken Books, 1983.

Jewish Publication Society. Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures, 1985 (JPS).

Lockman Foundation. Amplified Bible, 1954 (AB).

Mesorah Publications. The Stone Tanach, 1996.

Oxford University Press. The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version, 1989 (NRSV).

Oxford University Press. The New Oxford Annotated Bible, 2001.

Thomas Nelson. The Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version, 1972 (RSV).

Thomas Nelson. The Holy Bible: New King James Version, 1982 (NKJV).

Tyndale House. The Living Bible, 1976 (TLB).

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The New American Bible, 2005 (NAB).

World Publishing. The Holy Bible King James Version, 1928 (KJV).

World Bible Publishing. God’s Word Bible, 1998 (GWT).

Zondervan. Holy Bible: New International Version, 1989 (NIV).

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