На английском и французском языках

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На английском и французском языках

208. Alchemy, Medicine and Religion in the China A. D. 320. The Nei P’ien of Ко Hung (Pao-p’u tzu). Tr. by J. R. Ware. N. Y., 1981.

209. Andersen P. The Method of Holding the Three Ones. A Taoist Manual of Mediation. L., 1979.

210. Applied Chinese Acupuncture for Clinical Practi tioners. Ed. by Sun Xuequan. Jinan, 1985.

211. Cahill J. La penture Chinoise. Geneve, 1977.

212. Ch’en J. The Nature and Characteristics of the Boxer Movement — a Morphological Study. — Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. University of London. Vol. XXIII, part 2, 1960.

213. Ch’en Kenneth K. S. The Chinese Transformation! of Buddhism. New Jersey, 1973.

214. Chaj К. Т., Weakland J. E. Secret Techniques of Wing Chun kung-fu. L, 1981.

215. Chen G. К. Tai-chi Ch’uan: its Effects and Prac tical Application. North Hollywood, 1979.

216. Chen Jingpan. Confucius as a Teacher. Philosophy of Confucius with Special Reference to its Educational Im plication. Beijing, 1990.

217. Chen Style Taijiquan. Hong Kong — Beijing, 1984.

218. Cheng Man-Ch’ing, R W. Smith. Tai Chi. Rutland, 1967.

219. Cheong Cheng Leong, Draeger D. F. Phoenix-eye Fist. A Shaolin Fighting Art of South China. N. Y. — Tokyo, 1977.

220. Chia Siew Pang, Goh Ewe Hoek. Nai-chi: Ten Minutes to Health. Singapore, 1983.

221. Chinese Martial Arts. Beijing, 1987.

222. Da Liu. Tai Chi Ch’uan and I Ching, A Choreo graphy of Body and Mind. N. Y., 1972.

223. Draeger D., Smith R. Asian Martial Arts. N. Y., 1969.

224. Draeger D., Smith R. The Martial Arts and Ways of Japan. 3 volumes. 1973–1974.

225. Eliseeff V., Eliseeff D. La civilisation de la Chine Classique. P., 1987.

226. Fu Weikang. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Phar macology. Beijing, 1985.

227. Galante Lawrence. Tai Chi: The Supreme Ultimate. York Beach. 1981.

228. Gard A. R. Buddhism. L. — N. Y., 1961.

229. Giles H. A. The Home of Jiu-jitsu. — Adversaria Sinica. Shanghai, 1914.

230. Gillbey G. F. Secret Fighting Arts of the World. N. Y., 1971

231. Gluck J. Zen Combat. N. Y., 1962.

232. Habersetzer R. Karate de la tradition. Maitres et ecoles de l’Okinawa-te. Paris, 1984.

233. Habersetzer R. Kung-fu (Wu-shu): Les techniques de la boxe chinoise. P., 1979.

234. Haines B. Karate’s History and Tradition. Rut land — Tokyo, 1978.

235. Huang Wen-Shan. Fundamentals of Tai Chi Chuan. Hong Kong, 1973.

236. Kaltenmark M. The Ideology of T’aiping-ching — Fasets of Taoism. New Heaven — London, 1979.

237. Klein B. Movements of Magic: The Spirit of T’ai-Chi-Ch’uan. San Bernardino, 1986.

238. Lavier J. A. Bio-energetique chinoise. P., 1976.

239. Leung Shum. Eagle Claw Kung-fu. Classical North ern Chinese Fist. Hong Kong, 1981.

240. Li Gaozhong. Colourful Emei Boxing. — China sports, 1983, № 6.

241. Lu Hui-ching. T’ai Chi Ch’uan. A Manual of In struction. N: Y., 1973.

242. Maisel E. Tai Chi for Health. New Jersey, 1962.

243. Medeiros E. C. The Complete History and Philo sophy of Kung Fu. Rutland Tuttle, 1974.

244. Naquin S. Shantung Rebellion: The Wang Lun Uprising of 1774. New Heaven — London, 1981.

245. Oyama Masutatsu. Advanced Karate. Tokyo, 1974.

246. Parker E. Secrets of Chinese Karate. Prentice-Hall, 1963.

247. Porter D. H. Secret Sects in Shantung. — Chinese recorder. Vol. 18, 1886, Jan., № 1.

248. Reflection on Things at Hand. The Neo-confucian Anthology. Сотр. by Chu Hsi and Lu Tsu-Ch’ien. Tr. by Wing Tsit-Chan. N. Y., 1967.

249. Reviews of Selected Chinese Classics, Beijing, 1988.

250. Robert L. Le nouveau guide Marabout de Judo. Verviers, 1977.

251. Robinet I. The Place and Meaning of Taiji in Taoist Sourses Prior to the Ming Dynasty. — History of Religious. Chicago, 1990.

252. Siu R. G. H. Ch’i. A Neo-taoist Approach to Life. Cambridge — Massachusetts — London, 1974.

253. Sivin N. Traditional Medicine in Contemporary China. Ann Arbor Center for Chinese Studies, 1987.

254. Sourses of Chinese Tradition. Compiled by Wm. Th. de Barry, Wing-tsit Chan, B. Warson. N. Y. — L, 1960.

255. Staples M. P. Tibetian Kung-fu. The Way of the Monk. Manila, 1974.